Cocina general
- Atelier Tartes, de Catherine Kluger - Novedad!
- Cook with Jamie - My Guide to Making You a Better Cook, de Jamie Oliver
- Dinars de tàper, de Ada Parellada
- Food 2.0 - Secrets from the chef who fed Google, de Charlie Ayers
- Lunchbox Bible, de Margaret Barca
- Mastering the Art of French Cooking, de Julia Child, Louisette Bertholle y Simone Beck
- Mastering the Art of French Cooking - Volumen 2, de Julia Child y Simone Beck
- Soup, Glorious soup, de Annie Bell
- The Food of Italy, a Journey for Food Lovers, de Sopie Braimbridge y Jo Glynn
Repostería y dulces
- 125 best Cupcakes recipes, de Julie Hasson - Novedad!
- Atelier Tartes, de Catherine Kluger - Novedad!
- Cheesecakes - baked and chilled, de The Australian Women's Weekly
- Cookies & Biscuits, de The Australian Women's Weekly
- Cupcakes from the Primrose Bakery, de Martha Swift y Lisa Thomas
- Home Baked, de The Australian Women's Weekly
- Linda Collister's Baking Bible, de Linda Collister
- Martha Stewart's Cookies, de The Editors of Martha Stewart Living
- Martha Stewart's Cupcakes, de The Editors of Martha Stewart Living
- Sju Sorters Kakor, Swedish Cakes and Cookies, de Ica Test Kitchens
- The Fundamental Techniques of Classic Pastry Arts, The French Culinary Institute, de Judith Choate y The Pastry Chefs of The French Culinary Institute
- The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook, de Tarek Malouf and The Hummingbird Bakers
- The Little Guide - Desserts, de Fog City Press